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- Categoria: Chi Siamo
- Visite: 8128
Colloredo di Prato is a small village in province of Udine (Friuli - Italy) that holds fiercely and with pride his traditions. Here the "Filarmonica" was born in the far 1893 when a group of pioneers, helped by the village priest, put themselves on music. Very soon the band grew and gained consideration, so that in the 1928 at the First Musical Competion of Udine, the Filarmonica Colloredo di Prato won the first prize of second category.
Along with last century vicissitudes, on 1982 for the first time in his history the society step out the national boundaries going to Mulhouse in France; after this event, others soon followed: Bösel in Germany, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, France, Austria, Sweden and Nederland.
In the village community the band is still now reason of meeting, solemnity and pride: in effects, besides religious processions and official celebrations, the society thinks and organizes a large number of cultural meetings and initiatives, of which the most remarkable are of course the early summer festival called "Tradizioni e Musica" and the Christmas Concert, a real classic appointment for the entire community, whose takings are devoluted in charity.Remarkable is the activity on our region: starting with the early year parades, from carnival parades to summer religious processions and the concerts organized with public institutes and other band associations.
Among all our successes and recognitions, the most of them are in more modern times: we remember the first prize of second category won on the Bertiolo Regional Competition in 1994, the absolute first prize in Germany at the International Musiktage in Bösel in 1996, the first prize in third category gained on the Bertiolo National Competition in 2002, the second in third category at Flicorno d'Oro in Riva del Garda in 2008.
Very important is the Music School that every year is held by the association, which is organized to make possible for the very young attendants to grow along with their musical education: the courses now are attended by more than sixty students and are divided in ten main sections that permit to learn the classic band instruments and more, such as oboe, guitar and piano.
All the satisfactions, even if reached with a lot of sacrifices, help to maintain intact the willing of continous improvement and to make stronger the feeling between the components of all ages: today the Filarmonica can count on sixty and more components, whose ages spread from 12 to 65 years, directed by Elias Faccio and can present a vast repertoire that goes from classic music to modern, soundtracks to pop music.